The insight, contained in a new white paper, the 5 Most Common Business Diseases, has been gained from Latitude Solutions’ sales-focused consultancy work with businesses of all sizes and sectors over the past 16 years*.
Latitude Solutions MD Cliff Findlay explained: “As with human beings, companies can suffer from serious health problems, simply through age, growth or poor behaviour patterns.”
“Latitude Solutions has consulted with hundreds of businesses of various shapes, sizes and verticals over the past 16 years. Regardless of size or shape, the same 5 Common Business Diseases crop up again and again. Symptoms that companies are suffering from one or more of the disorders can include giving away free advice, focusing on non essential tasks, tolerating badly behaved clients, repeatedly trying the same formula or inability to delegate work.”
The 5 Common Business Diseases identified by Latitude Solutions and listed in no particular order, are:
- We can work with anyone disorder
- Any business is good business disease
- The market dictates virus
- Maybe-when-I’m-not-so-busyitis
- Yes but we really are different disease
Findlay, who is also the author of business marketing title ‘Why You?,’ aimed at helping businesses to stand out in a competitive environment, added: “In severe cases, some companies have suffered from multiple diseases and symptoms at one time, with many behaviour patterns leading to other illnesses. The business world is more competitive than ever before and the prognosis for a business can be poor if a suitable remedy is not applied quickly.”
He added that it was possible for companies to make a full recovery from the 5 Common Business Diseases, with restoration to full health dependent on a number of factors. “The willingness to listen was the highest denominator followed closely by the willingness to be honest with themselves and accept the change required. This was then followed closely by the decision to act and follow a plan. Without any of these characteristics unfortunately we found that there was little anyone can do to help and often the issue became terminal.”
A full list of 5 Common Business Diseases, plus their symptoms, early signs and remedies is available for free download at www.latitudesolutions.co.uk/news-blogs-resources/5-common-business-diseases.
* Latitude Solutions has provided assistance to around 500 companies over the past 16 years
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