Following a turbulent recession small businesses are finally getting back on their feet, but UK small businesses leaders must focus on building their personal presence to truly survive this unsteady economic climate according to Business Improvement Strategist Sylvia Baldock.
Baldock says: “We have all met people with strong personal presence at work and socially. These are men and women who are comfortable in their own skin, they are self-assured but are not overly flashy and they are able to make everyone around them feel at ease too. However, because the British are traditionally reserved and overly modest, we may not have the personal presence that our European and American counterparts have and given the huge post-recession mountains we have to climb, small businesses owners in particular need to be standing out from their competitors and able to attract new business with greater ease.”
Baldock argues: “In business, personal presence will open doors for you, make you stand out from the crowd, get you in front of people you would otherwise never meet, create incredible opportunities and ensure you leave a lasting impact wherever you go. People with strong personal presence attract success because they are well respected by their teams and clients alike. People notice them, want to engage with them and hear what they have to say. They move effortlessly around a room spreading their own special kind of ‘magic’ wherever they go!”
Baldock stresses that personal presence is not to be confused with arrogance and says that people with strong personal presence actually radiate a magnetic energy which infiltrates everyone they connect with. “It is true that some people are just born with it but like most things in life, personal presence can be developed. What it can’t be is faked.”
Cognitive Psychologist Dr Shaw says: “When you see someone with personal presence, without realising it you are often drawn to them, you notice them, you may mimic their posture or expressions for example if they laugh, you tend to laugh too. They influence how you feel. It often goes hand-in-hand with self-confidence, but personal presence needs to be authentic and those who ooze personal presence often have well aligned values, positive energy, and stand tall.”
Baldock argues that it is well documented that people with a strong personal presence are much more likely to be offered career opportunities and are more able to close deals than those who lack or hide their charismatic qualities. “In the UK we need to know how to celebrate and play to, our strengths. There is no point in hiding our talents under a bushel, acknowledging and harnessing our natural skills will ensure and more effective, productive and profitable business. Personal presence obviously isn’t the only thing that you need to be a success, but it is certainly enhances business success.”
Sylvia Baldock has just launched her book ‘From Now to Wow in 30 Days’, a step-by-step guide for those seeking guidance on how to build a strong personal presence, which went global within 7 days of its launch. Sylvia is a personal presence and team dynamics specialist, flow consultant trainer, public speaker and a business/personal coach. Well qualified to comment on businesses, Sylvia also runs several networking groups, is a member of the Professional Speaking Association, a Growth Accelerator approved training provider and works closely with the Federation of Small Businesses.
Five tips to building Personal Presence
1. Have a Clear Vision
Take time to clarify where you want to be in the future. What are your long-term goals? What do you want to contribute to the world, what legacy do you want to leave. Your vision should fill you with passion – if you are not excited by it, think again.
2. Values
Consider the things in life that are really important to you and always be true to your moral principles or ethics. What really matters to you and what will you never compromise on? It is easier to make decisions when you are clear about your values.
3. Have a Clear Sense of Purpose
Confidence stems from knowing the direction you wish to take and enjoying your drive and passion to succeed. Having this commitment means you stand tall, walk with purpose and positivity. Know what you want to achieve from every meeting or interaction and prepare well with the outcome in mind.
4. Authenticity
Do you walk your talk? Authenticity can make or break a business relationship and it hugely affects the impression you give to people. If you are a graphic designer does your branding have the WOW factor for example? If you are a coach, do you invest in your own coaching and development? You will only be believable if you practice what you preach.
5. Giving Away Value
By sharing your expertise and giving some advice or knowledge for free, you will start to attract a following of raving fans. This will not only raise your profile, you will also find that people will want to connect with you, follow you on social media and eventually engage with you and refer you to others. Giving before you receive also gives you a real ‘feel good’ factor!
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